


I have a dream of a gift that keeps giving. a simple yet infinite source of generosity, to help create a world without poverty, starvation & shameless violations of human, animal & ecological rights. 

I believe our ‘free market’ economic system is an elaborate pyramid scheme empowering the rich at the expense of those made insignificant by their poverty.

I don’t believe in being AGAINST conflict or war. I believe in being PRO peace. The same system that has enslaved billions of people world wide can be used to set them free. 

HOW? The unstoppable power of unity reversing economic control:


Why do our charities compete with each other, spending fortunes on fund raising? How many of our precious donations could be saved & invested in the cause if they worked together

Imagine the potential savings & the investment power of a single fundraising entity representing all of the worlds charities? Imagine then the principle that this fund donates exclusively from interest generated, while leaving the total fund to grow ad-infinitum. 

Every single donation to the fund, whether large or small, would be that gift that keeps on giving. Each donor would be entitled, indefinitely, to be a part of the voting public determining which charity receives what percentage of the available profits. 


Perhaps you’re thinking “yes but in the short-term, while the fund is growing, the funds donated would decrease” and you're right. But that's also the same limited, fear based thinking that got us here. As Stephen Covy points out in his world famous book ‘The 7 habits of highly successful people’, “we have to sacrifice immediate gratification for the long term goal”. We have to stop wasting each others generosity on limited resources & create sources of energy, finances & health that are unlimited. For example a fund with limitless potential to help bring about the better world we could have forged a long-time ago. 


There’s a lot of talk about the planet we’ll leave to our children, but what about our great grand children’s great grand children? "The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step”. Are you ready to take it with me? Are you ready to create something small, something humble, that could grow into a fund enabling more lasting change than you & I can even imagine? 


Am I leading from the front? I hope so: 10% of all profits generated by the Flower of Life Association are donated to the Foundation. 

It's easy to believe something won't work. Be original & not only dare to believe that it will, but make it a reality by pledging an amount that you wouldn't think twice about if added to the price of a holiday.




Foundations are closely regulated in Switzerland. Apart from reasonable running costs, which are scrutinised, the funds generated for charity will be used exclusively for this purpose & can not be withdrawn by the founders or members of the Foundation.

In the event that the Foundation ceases to exist, the entire fund would be divided between the NGO’s for which the funds were generated. 

If you have any further questions, please refer to the T&C's page above & do not hesitate to contact us using the form at the top of this page.